
Showing posts from June, 2019

More than Meets the Eye

            Werewolf stories have been around since the 12 th century. Most of them were written as warnings. They were stories that warned readers against breaking laws, following sexual urges, or disobeying religious texts. These stories were warnings about what could happen if we act upon primal urges and become the hunter instead of the hunted. Even though these horrific stories show the animal within escaping its human body confines, these stories often do show the downfall. At the very end, readers are reminded that the hunter will become the hunted. There will be penalties. There will be pain and suffering for disobedience. Werewolves will be destroyed.   What if, though, werewolves could be different? What if they could be gentile souls who want to live? What if werewolves were actually an allegory about people living with a crippling disease? With Remus Lupin, JK Rowling boldly presents these ideas within the Harry Potter series.             It is true that werewolf st