Surprises Duex

All right, to continue with the surprises theme, I'm going to look at another television show because I see a great transition from my last blog entry to this one. You might wonder, 'What is she talking about?' or 'Where is that transition?' I'll tell you. It's the Others.

These Others are different from Lost's. They didn't live on an island. They weren't crazy and take people. Nope, they helped people. They all have special gifts that they used to communicate with the dead or solve mysteries. They lived in a college town and most had jobs and tried to live normal lives, even though they had special connections to the supernatural world.

It was a short run show that was brilliant written and crafted. It came out the same year as Nicole Kidman's movie, The Others, but it was quite different from the film, even though Ms. Kidman's movie got more hype. The Others, the movie, was just about ghosts while the TV show dealt with numerology, empathic tendencies, psychic abilities, and other 6th sense type things. It only lasted for 13 episodes, even though it won awards and received critical acclaim. Personally, I think it was too different and out of the box for mainstream television - at least at the time the show aired it was. I don't think people were ready for this show. If SyFi had aired the show, I believe it would've done better; perhaps there would've been more series. Personally, I think it would do well in this era because science fiction, supernatural, and fantasy shows, movies, and books are quite popular - more than in 2000, when the show came out.

But, I'm getting sidetracked. The point of this blog isn't about how it could've done better, but about the surprise of the show. In the series finale (there was 1 episode that they aired later that was supposed to be shown earlier, but for some reason it wasn't) things end with a bang. Literally. In the last 5 minutes, there is an explosion, a car wreck, a murder, a broken heart, and a heart attack. No one expected it and it left me (and I'm sure other viewers) stunned. Never before have I seen a show kill off every main character, except for 1 of the characters, who was left broken hearted. At least, they made it appear as if all the characters had died - at the time, the writers had no idea that they were canceled. I assume that they were going to have all the events appear to have been hallucinations of the characters and they all end up being fine in the 2nd season.

I can remember sitting there going, 'wow!' and 'No, they can't be!', even after all of these years. Still, after a decade, I think about on that episodes and am blown away by the intricacies that went into orchestrating the shots. It still shocks me. I think that's the point of having a surprise ending or subplot. It creates a shock value and makes you think. I like surprises that make me think and open my eyes. Until next time!


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