Life with Merlin

The other day, after watching a Merlin fan video on Youtube, I read through the comments. A few people were talking about how Merlin changed their life. There was such respect and awe for this program. Before I continue with this entry, I must share what was said in the comments of this video (You can watch it here:

TheLovelylostsoul said:  I was wondering if you could expand on this quote and idea to make it a longer video, to show that it really DOES exist, if in our hearts if nothing else. ??????? Just something I've always wanted from my really "Merlin is my life" Merlin vidders. Just to show that the legends do go on and effect us all, because I know I've been effected by this show. More than anything else.

Misshobbity wrote: I agree wholeheartedly, I have never been more affected by anything, LOTR is the closest but Merlin has captured my heart like nothing else, it inspires me in so many ways. I would love to try and expand on this video because I truly do believe that there was a Camelot, an Arthur, a Warlock Merlin, that it wasn't just a myth. When I visited Glastonbury, it felt so spiritual...So perhaps I could combine Merlin with the real places and footage to show how it is a part of our lives? :)

Those words got me thinking. If those two people were affected by Merlin, surely there are others who have felt and feel the same way. I realized I wanted to honor those people (the fans of Merlin) and I wanted to honor this British phenomenon that is Merlin. However, the way I wanted to do it didn’t form until later that evening.

What is it? A documentary made by the fans for the fans.

How will I do this? By shouting out to all the fans via social media, I’ll ask for clips.

 What sort of clips? I want un-watermarked videos of fans cosplaying Merlin, people answering specific questions pertaining to the show, fans meeting, people singing songs about this fantastic series, and I’ll even take images of artwork that honor the fandom. The only thing I don’t want to see is fan-videos where someone has dubbed music to scenes.  

1. When do I want have this done? I have no idea. I’ll work on it a year or two if that’s what it takes.

2. How long will it be? I have no idea. We’ll just have to wait and see.

3. What will I do with the documentary? I’m not entirely sure, but I will post it to YouTube.

4. What do you get out of it? You get to honor one of your favorite TV programs. Your name will also be in the credits.

5. How long should the clips be? I’d like to keep them under an hour. If it’s 3 minutes, that’s fine. If it’s 10, that’s fine too.

6 What is the title of the piece? That is something I’m not sure. Here is what I’ve come up with:

            1. Keeping the Secret
            2. Finding Destiny
            3.Magic Within
Which one do you like? If you don’t like any of them, please let me know! Don’t be afraid to make suggestions, too. 

             7. Is there a deadline to submit? No, at this moment. I hope to get a lot of  the videos by December, but I will accept them in January, February, March, etc.

              8. What language should I record this in? If you could do it in English, that would be nice. If you can't, please provide subtitles.

9. Last, but not least, what are the questions?

1. How has Merlin affected or changed your life? Why?
2. What character has most influenced you? Why?
3. Has Merlin inspired you? Why and how? 

I look forward to seeing the clips! You can send me them via If you can’t upload them into an e-mail, Yousendit is a great way to forward them to me. It’s free! If you have any comments or concerns, please, email me or respond to this entry. I can’t wait to get started on this project! As soon as I get time, I’ll be uploading a vlog about the project. I’ll post it here when it’s up.


  1. Hello!
    Just wanted to ask: is there a deadline to submit the clip?

  2. Hello, I'm a french fan.Could I explain why I love EMrlin in french or I must do the video in english ?

    1. Hello!

      If you could do it in English, that would be lovely. :) However, if you can't, would you be able to provide subtitles? Or, you may do both.

  3. Hello, I'm a french fan. Can I explain why I love Merlin in french or the video must be in english ?

    1. Hello! I think I replied to this, but I will reply again.

      If you could do it in English, that would be lovely. :) However, if you can't, would you be able to provide subtitles? Or, you may do both.


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