Magical Merlin

I am a huge Merlin fan. I am speaking of the BBC television show. I love the action, the drama, the romance, the friendship, the love, the battles of good vs. evil – I love it all.

Overall, I am a huge fan of all things fantasy and years ago – 2008 I think is when it came out – I knew I would love the show. I hoped and prayed that Merlin would come to the United States. It did and I could not have been happier! I have stuck with it from day one of the airing here in the United States and I’m still watching (and I will until they end the show… could they never end the show please? I will be very sad when the show ends).

So far, season 4 has been brilliant. It is darker and more mature, but somehow beautiful. I do not know what is going to happen, which is exciting. In addition, I am sad to see the season ending in a few episodes. I think season 4 has been the best season since the first one.

I do have two complaints with this season. The first one is Morgana. She has annoyed me from the second she stepped into the hovel until now. I do not think she adds much of anything. I feel like I am watching a parody of a villain. I love her counterpart and co-conspirator though (Argravine) – he is really creepy and understated and really works for the show. I had my doubts about his characters. I think I actually groaned when I heard that Arthur had an uncle. I’m glad Argravine has exceeded my opinions of this character. Now, if they could only channel a bit of Argravine’s poignant villainy into Morgana and we will be set!

The second complaint is that NO one (of the main cast of characters) has found out about Merlin’s magic this season. Morgana has seen Dagoon the Great (Merlin in disguise) and another minor character found out, but Gwaine and Gwen should have discovered he had magic.  He is consider the greatest warlock to ever live. If he has so much power, how can Arthur or Elyan or Percival or any of his friends miss it? Some of his acts of magic are obvious as well as out in the open. Two instances I think that someone could have found out about his magic are the following. First, Merlin used magic in front of Gwaine to save his life. His eyes turned gold and everything, But, Gwaine didn’t notice. Then, in the next episode, Merlin’s eyes also turned gold and he sent the lamia backwards with his magic in front of Gwen, but she did not see it either. These characters are not stupid nor are they blind. I pray that at least one person finds out the truth. Is that too much to ask?

Tomorrow, I will list my favorite episodes (and why). It will be an eclectic mix. Maybe the day after, I will list my least favorite episodes (and why). I think I will! That sounds so much fun.


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